Official Diocesan Blog

Bishop's Message on Leading with Humility and Confidence

"One of the weaknesses of Christian discipleship today in the church, particularly in the West, is we often think that if we follow the Lord, everything is going to be simple and easy. And that is simply not true. Ask the people of Israel and Moses as they walked through the desert. That was clearly the leading of the Lord, and it was not easy." 

In this week's message, Bishop Alex addresses leaders in our congregations, encouraging them in humility and confidence, even as they walk difficult roads.

Bishop Alex: The Great Adventure

"As Christians, it's easy for us to consider security as our highest value. Indeed, security does matter... but safety and security can't be all that matter in the Christian life. Ultimately, I do believe that the Christian life is a great adventure from beginning to end. And as with all great adventures, it is filled with joys and sorrows, perils and consolations, all along the way."

The Rev. Johnmark Smith

Deo volente, the Rt. Rev. Alex Cameron will ordain the Rev. Johnmark Smith to the Sacred Order of Priests on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at Church of the Redeemer, where he currently serves as deacon and youth pastor.

Your prayers and presence are requested.

Year One Reflections

In his last video before his July vacation, Bishop Alex reflects on his first year as bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, discussing what's surprised him about Pittsburgh, what he's grateful for in his first twelve months, and what he looks forward to in the months to come.

Bishop's Book List

Looking for a new book recommendation for your summer travels or Sunday afternoons? Here are nine of Bishop Alex's favorite books for our summer vacation reading lists. Which of these have you read? And what's in your beach day tote bag?

Sabbath Rest Video
"By taking a Sabbath, we are acknowledging one of the fundamental truths of what it means to be human. We have limits. We are not infinite. We can’t do everything. We can’t keep going without stopping. It is not good for us. We’re not designed to be that way. So to stop on a Sabbath, to take time away to rest is to remind ourselves that we are human—to embrace our humanity and our physical and material limits."
Our Diocesan Vision: Agile

"The truth is that when we are not operationally excellent, we expend a lot of time, energy, and sometimes money on things that take away from being kingdom minded, being missional, being invested in discipling, being relational with our leaders. Being operationally agile, being able to respond quickly, having operational and administrative tasks handled well within our churches—and more broadly within our diocese—ultimately supports the fulfillment of the mission of the gospel."