Official Diocesan Blog

Organizational structure

Dear Members of the Diocese,

After 2 years of observing, listening, praying and testing lots of hypothesis, I'm making some changes to the Diocesan Staff that I believe will allow us to better serve the clergy and congregations of the Diocese.

Congregations (and even small groups within congregations) have 6 basic ministry dynamics: worship/prayer, evangelism/mission, discipleship, pastoral/mutual care, communication, and administration. Therefore, I am structuring diocesan staffing around these 6 ministry dynamics. 


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Reformers consistently emphasized the biblical teaching that Christ’s work on the Cross is complete. We can add nothing to what He accomplished through His sacrifice of Himself on our behalf. As we say in our liturgy, “He made there, by his one oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world.” This emphasis on the finished work of Christ on the Cross has led some to think mistakenly that Christ’s work is finished altogether.


I am deeply committed to church planting. I believe it is the best way to reach people with Jesus’ love. I want to see church planting become normative in this diocese and in the ACNA. But, I wasn’t always an advocate.


How important is coaching for leaders in ministry? Research shows that five disciplines make a huge difference in the success rate of a church plant (and, by extension, parish ministry): vocational discernment, training, support (personal and financial), coaching, and risk assessment. The first three increased the likelihood of success in planting significantly. But, coaching took it to a new level.

The Rev. Canon Tracey Russell, Deacon Joanne Martin

As we continue to move forward as a diocese, the Lord has provided two gifted leaders. I have asked the Rev. Tracey Russell to serve as Canon for Youth Ministry and the Rev. Joanne Martin to serve as Deacon for Special Projects.

As Canon for Youth Ministry, Canon Tracey will support youth ministers, strengthen our youth ministry network, and help develop diocesan youth events that provide contexts for encounter with Christ and for growing as disciples. 

To the many

In 2016, a small group of local Anglican songwriters including Tina Wurschmidt of Shepherd's Heart Fellowship, The Rev. Sean Norris, formerly of South Side Anglican, now in Charleston, SC and Katherine Rosier of Trinity Anglican, Beaver, came together to help each other with their songwriting.