Official Diocesan Blog


This letter is signed by Bishops Jim Hobby, Todd Hunter, Stewart Ruch and Steve Wood

George Floyd was made in the image of God and as such is a person of utmost value. This is not true because a few Anglican Bishops issue a letter. This conviction arises from our reading of Scripture. The Psalmist said:

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.​I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
(Psalm 139:13-14)


This article is part of the Easter 2020 Trinity Magazine issue. You can view the entire issue here.

Update: This training will observe all CDC and Pennsylvania guidelines in effect to prevent Covid, including social distancing and caps on occupancy. All registrants will be updated the week prior to the event about the guidelines currently in use.


This article is part of the Easter 2020 Trinity Magazine issue. You can view the entire issue here.

Gathering 2020: Diocesan Conference & Convention is a safe place to learn, fellowship, worship corporately and do the annual business of the diocese (aka, Convention). The Bishop and Diocesan Leaders determined the COVID-19 quarantine limitations create an inadequate planning window and we could not produce the event as described. Therefore, it is with lament we announce there will not be a Gathering 2020.


This article is part of the Easter 2020 Trinity Magazine issue. You can view the entire issue here.

By The Rev. Cn. Shari Hobby


This article is part of the Easter 2020 Trinity Magazine issue. You can view the entire issue here.

ARDF is a mission partner of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

By Christine Jones, Director of Mobilization, Anglican Relief and Development Fund


This article is part of the Easter 2020 Trinity Magazine issue. You can view the entire issue here.

By the Rt. Rev. James L Hobby, Jr. 

Since I grew up in a lot of places (3 grade schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools) and have lived in many parts of the country (the Midwest, the East Coast, New England, the South, and Southwestern PA), I have lived my life as a stranger and alien. When people ask me where I'm from, I give a travelogue instead of an address.


call to fastThe College of Bishops and our own Bishop Hobby, have asked everyone to pray for an end to the pandemic during the Good Friday fast this week. Pray that the spread would stop in its tracks, and for an end to deaths. Please feel free to fast other times, too, as you feel led by the Lord.