Official Diocesan Blog


The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh announces Archbishop Foley Beach has appointed The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns as our new Interim Bishop following the resignation of Bishop Hobby. Archbishop Beach made the announcement during a video address to the 155th Diocesan Convention on Saturday, November 7. Interim Bishop Minns also made a video introduction to the convention deputies at that time.


Dear Members of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh,

I write to provide you more information regarding the process that led to the Standing Committee’s request, under their canonical authority, that Bishop Hobby resign.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are writing to let you know that we asked for, and on Thursday received, a letter of resignation from Bishop Hobby. This resignation comes after a careful review and assessment of his handling of a serious pastoral matter.


It is time to determine the nominations to fill several vacant positions on our Diocesan governing boards and committees. The open positions are listed below. Multiple candidates for each position are most welcome.


In this webinar designed for those in pastoral ministry, Bishop Jim Hobby invites Licensed Professional Counselor, Dana Henry and Psychologist and Professor of Psychology Anthony Isacco, PhD to share how to care for people as they are experiencing grief and trauma that has come up in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.



The GRACISM Task Force and it's leader, Toni Turner, is inviting all Christians in Pittsburgh to gather in public, small, socially distanced groups at noon on July 4 to pray and worship in intercession for our nation's racial healing.


Many congregations are considering implementing their digital services as a permanent offering. This could be a helpful addition to your congregation's mission. It can be part of bringing new people in and/or providing a connection for home-bound members. However, there are lots of decisions to make and equipment to purchase. Check out the infographic below for different sanctuary setups, and keep scrolling for more detail and recommendations.