Ecumenical Invitation to Intercede for Nation on July 4

The GRACISM Task Force and it's leader, Toni Turner, is inviting all Christians in Pittsburgh to gather in public, small, socially distanced groups at noon on July 4 to pray and worship in intercession for our nation's racial healing.

This is a proposal for Holy Fire Works. This proposed meeting would be simple; comprised of “whosoever will,” but if done right will involve every tribe nation and tongue in this nation in one accord. It should not be announced to news media to become a spectacle, but will be a time of real heart-to-heart connection with God and with one another to worship, give thanks repent and rededication of America our home, such as it is. This event would be approximately 30-45 minutes long and will begin at high noon in which ever time-zone we live so that it will rise to Heaven like a wave from every tribe, nation and tongue.  All denominations included!  If you know of any native believers or Messianic Jews in your communities make sure they get the word.  There’s no telling what God will do!  

Here is a proposed liturgy:

Opening Song: “Every Praise” (Hezekiah Walker)

Prayer: “Father we gather at this time in Your name  to give You thanks for this nation. We are gathered as one to declare that You are the only God, there is none beside You.  Because of Jeshua Jesus, we are in You and You are in us.  You alone are worthy of our love and adoration.”

Song: “Onward Christian Soldiers” (Jon Schmidt) / “Surrounded” (Michael W. S)

Read: 2 Chron. 7:14-15

Prayer: “Jehovah God, our Father we confess that we have sinned as a nation.  We have turned our backs on You; Our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.  We know that You, “Ancient of Days” and “Desired of all nations”, You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.” We cry out to you for mercy at this time Forgive our sins, and heal our land.  Let Your righteousness, justice and peace be upon this land until our Redeemer comes for us.  We ask it in Jesus’ name.”

Closing Song: “God Bless America,”

Closing Declaration 

Leader:  “We are the Church of (insert name of city ex. “The Church of Pittsburgh”), (All repeat)

Leader:  one body, different buildings. (All repeat)

All:  Amen! And Amen!

Toni Turner actively seeks to bring unity within the Christian Church of Pittsburgh through her organization the GRACISM Task Force. During Gathering 2019, Toni co-lead the workshop “Looking to the Work of the Holy Spirit in Racial Conciliation and Reconciliation” and has been a participant in Fifth Fridays with the Bishop Book Conversation.