Diocesan News


2021 Josiah Project Beckons

College students who stay in Christian Leadership?

Launched in 1990, Rock the World’s Josiah Project has inspired more than 80% of its graduates to continue in Christian leadership — for decades.

Rock the World offers this Ambridge-based two summer program to collegians who are serious about following Jesus and extending God's Kingdom. The 11-week intensive summer program features learning and serving, offers $3,000 academic scholarships for tuition and books, and an opportunity to launch ministry initiatives in their Second Summer.


The Standing Committee is pleased to announce the Bishop Search Process is officially beginning!

First, we want to thank you for all your consistent and heartfelt prayers during this transitional time of our diocese. It has been and will continue to be a period of healing and growth as we take this next step of finding a leader.


The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh partners with many organizations doing gospel ministry in our region, nation and world. We want to highlight their work from time to time and invite our members to join as they feel led.

Church Army USA is an organization of evangelists in the Anglican Church, seeking to express the Gospel of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to bring transformation. They seek to do the work of serving, reaching and loving broken, rejected, sad, disconnected, and hurting people with a message of hope, love and joy.


This is the first of what we intend to be monthly communications from Standing Committee in which we will provide updates on the Standing Committee’s work during this season in our Diocese. The Standing Committee meets four days a week by Zoom, and subcommittees work daily on various initiative and matter important to our Diocese. The Standing Committee welcomes questions about its work during this season, about our collective ministry, or about other questions about the ongoing mission of our Diocese.


Dear Friends:

Attached to this letter are two prayers for the Diocese as it enters into this season of discernment and search for a new bishop. The first prayer was written specifically for the leadership of this diocese and the second taken from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

I have reviewed these prayers with the Standing Committee and it is their hope, and mine, that you would use them in your personal devotions and also during the public prayers of your congregation in whatever way you are able to gather for worship.


The Standing Committee is pleased to announce that Ms. Sarah Kwolek has been appointed as the new Director of Administration for the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Sarah was previously the Director of Stewardship and Partnership. Sarah has held numerous development and administrative roles in the corporate and non-profit sector and has volunteered throughout her life in the administration of various congregations. She exhibits a deep commitment to collaborating with partners across the diocese to further its mission and accomplish its work.


The 155th Convention of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh has adjourned. Below are some highlights and updates on the proceedings.

View Session on YouTube

Convention has adjourned, but you are still welcome to watch today's resumed session and the previous Nov. 7 session on our YouTube channel.


The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh announces Archbishop Foley Beach has appointed The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns as our new Interim Bishop following the resignation of Bishop Hobby. Archbishop Beach made the announcement during a video address to the 155th Diocesan Convention on Saturday, November 7. Interim Bishop Minns also made a video introduction to the convention deputies at that time.