Announcing Bishop Search Committee Launch

The Standing Committee is pleased to announce the Bishop Search Process is officially beginning!

First, we want to thank you for all your consistent and heartfelt prayers during this transitional time of our diocese. It has been and will continue to be a period of healing and growth as we take this next step of finding a leader.

Second, we want to underline the fact that our province has provided new guidelines for searching for diocesan bishops. As part of the process, we will discern the leadership qualities needed for our new bishop. The Archbishop and the Province have given their blessing as we begin this process. The Province has assigned Bishop Bill Murdoch to work with us.

Timeline and Important Dates

This is the tentative timeline of events:

  • May 2021: Launch Bishop Search Committee
  • May - July 2021: Develop and publish Diocesan Profile and position description of Bishop
  • August - October 2021: Identify potential candidate
  • November 2021: In depth screening process for potential candidates
  • February 2022: Candidates Announced
  • March - April 2022: Introduction of candidates to the diocese
  • April 2022: Election of new bishop by Special Convention
  • June 2022: Presentation of the bishop-elect to College of Bishops
  • September 2022: Consecration of new bishop

The Standing Committee and Diocesan Council Executive Committee have diligently and prayerfully worked together to form the Bishop Search Committee. We thank all the members for committing to be a part of this important process! We are planning a service to commission the Bishop Search Committee in the Easter season.

  • Chair, The Rev. Eric Rodes, Rector, Church of the Redeemer, Canonsburg, PA; Member, Diocesan Council
  • The Rev. Captain Deacon Herb Bailey, Church Army USA; Member, Standing Committee
  • Mrs. Marilyn Chislaghi, Director of Ministry, Church of the Ascension, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Mr. Avin Fernando, Vestry Member, Seeds of Hope Anglican Church, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Rev. Dr. David Grissom, Rector, St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Murrysville, PA; President, Standing Committee
  • Dr. Collin Messer, Member, Grace Anglican, Grove City, PA
  • Mr. Tom Sands, Member, St. Stephen’s Church, Sewickley, PA
  • The Rev. Lauren Scharf, Commission on Ministry
  • The Rev. Laura Wicker, Deacon, Church of the Savior, Ambridge, PA

See photos of the Committee members on the Bishop Search page.

The Search Committee and the Standing Committee urge you to be a part of this new process. This new process creates opportunities for our diocese to be engaged as the Body of Christ. As you can see, the tentative dates listed above provide a guideline for the Search Committee. They will need our prayerful support!

Call to Prayer

We seek the Holy Spirit’s direction and guidance through prayer.

Prayer for the Leadership of the Diocese

O God, by your grace you have called us in this diocese to be a good and godly fellowship of faith. Bless those who have been called to exercise leadership during this season, especially the members of the Bishop Search Committee, as they begin the search process for our next Bishop. Grant to them, and to each member of the diocese, a fresh outpouring of your Spirit, a renewed determination to seek your will, and the assurance of your presence; safeguard our unity and ignite in us a great passion for the mission of your Kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the Selection of a Bishop (from BCP 2019)

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop of the diocese that we may receive a faithful pastor who will preach the Gospel, care for your people, equip us for ministry, and lead us forth in fulfillment of the Great Commission; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Bishop Search Committee and diocesan staff will be communicating about this process through our website. This is an excellent time to subscribe to our e-newsletter to receive current information.

Bishop Search Website

In the name of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

The Standing Committee