Official Diocesan Blog


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And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

As we celebrate this season of hope, I pray that you will reach out to those in your various communities who struggle with addiction and assure them that they are not beyond the reach of God’s transforming love.
It is hard to think of anything that is more contrary to the message and ministry of Jesus Christ than domestic abuse. It is not limited to any particular socio-economic or educational level. As stress and the pressures of isolation grow, abuse is becoming increasingly prevalent. If we are to be faithful to the Gospel, we cannot ignore it.
History is full of men and women who wanted to predict the date of Christ's return. And while all of those dates have come and gone without event, we know that He WILL return one day. So what are we to do? How should we prepare?
As you gather with friends and family this coming Thanksgiving Day, I urge you to take time and be deliberate in your thanks to Almighty God for his abundant provision. As you do so, remember those who are lacking in what we consider basic necessities and, as you are able, provide for them.
Deaths of Despair are an increasing problem in the United States and abroad. Too many choose to end their life when they feel the weight of the world closing in around them. So, how are we to deal with this phenomenon as the Church? How do we meet this despair with the love of God?
"Good preaching starts on our knees as we listen to the Spirit of God. This leads us, through our study, to a confident proclamation of the Word of God, with the sure expectation that God will speak through that proclamation to the hearts and minds of those present – beginning with the preacher! Preaching is a holy moment and deserves our very best effort and most fervent prayers."
The role of grandparent continues to play an important part of our family cultures and human development. An while we here in America might not revere our elders as much as other cultures around the globe, almost all of us have stories to tell about the impact that our grandparents had on our life.