
Clergy Position
Church of the Savior
Ambridge, PA
Short Description

The Church of the Savior is seeking a biblically faithful, full-time Anglican rector. The congregation is seeking a servant leader who possesses a profound and inspirational love of God and a deep and growing faith in Jesus Christ; has a passion for the presence, leading, and gifts of the Holy Spirit; is committed to personal and corporate prayer and to the Bible as the inspired Word of God; and preaches in a way that equips them to apply God’s Word in their daily lives. 

Their preferred timeline is a two-month window for applications (February/March), then candidate interviews beginning in April—with the hope that a call could be made by early summer, and the new rector could move to Ambridge in July, with a one- or two-week overlap with Dennett Buettner. 

For more information, please see their Parish Profile and Rector Profile.


Contact Instructions

Send a letter of interest, resume, spiritual autobiography, and links to three sermons to:

Sharon Steinmiller, Senior Warden and Rector Search Committee Contact Person